Mother King, a conceptual Black opera, premiered at Public Functionary in Northeast Minneapolis in July 2017. The opera interprets the story of Alberta Williams King, slain activist and mother of Martin Luther King, Jr. The libretto is based on a series of poems by Venessa Fuentes, one of 16 writers featured in A Good Time for the Truth: Race in Minnesota (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2016). Award-winning composer Dameun Strange wrote the musical score.
Fuentes and Strange are behind OperaWorks 52, a music- and story-telling partnership that aims to highlight overlooked narratives, including the stories of individuals of color, Native people, women, LGBTQ people. Mother King is their first project, and is being produced through a partnership with Public Functionary. It is supported in part by the American Composers Forum through the 2015 Minnesota Emerging Composers Award, which is funded by the Jerome Foundation.
Six local vocalists, including Liz Gre in the title role, will bring a story of Black Birth, Black Resilience, and Black Joy to life along with a 12-member instrumental ensemble. Michael McDowell, Sarah Greer, Roland Hawkins, Kevin “Kaoz” Moore and Ava McFarland will join Gre on stage.