Self-love, sisterly love, love for ourselves and love for the music; three powerful female artists take Valentine’s Day weekend to another level. With strains of jazz and soul, folk and gospel, PaviElle, Lynn O’Brien, and Sankophoenix explore the many meanings of love with a bit of groove.
Ticket options and info
- On sale date: 12 noon Fri Jan 30
- Phone: 612-338-2674 ext 0 between 12 noon and 4pm M-F ($2 fee per ticket)
- In person: From a Cedar volunteer in the front lobby during events (no fee; cash, check, credit card), Depth of Field (no fee; cash or check only), or Electric Fetus (approximately $2 fee)
- Online: Ticketfly (typically $2--$3 fee/ticket) (click on red Buy Tickets button at top of this page) until 5pm day of show
- The Cedar is an all ages venue
- Students with ID, seniors over 65, and children under 12 may purchase tickets at a discount at the door (subject to ticket availability).